Officials of Hungary 1892
The publication includes sections covering the public lives and activities of Hungarian officials during this pre-World War I era including information in and about . . . "Bosnia and Hertegovina, Croatia and Slavonia, Frantz Joseph's Dinasty, Hungary, and the advertising section." Kocs says that, "This document is a companion to the 1892 Hungarian Home and Business Directory which details the lives of ordinary people in this part of Eastern Europe and that was published on FamilyTrackers last month. This is the first time that this material has been available on the Internet." The advertising section is particularly interesting with promotional materials submitted by distilleries, bakers, banks, blacksmiths, boot makers, cartwrights, coach builders, comb makers, coopers, feather dealers, horse dealers, rag and bone men, saddlers, soap makers, tinkers, and weavers.
"We are happy that Janos has decided to make this information available on FamilyTrackers. This type of publication is one of those that can make a family tree come alive - much more than birth and death dates could ever do. Most of the people mentioned have been added to FamilyTrackers' world-wide index so that they can be searched accurately. Others are being indexed by our team of indexers." according to Gene Hall, CEO of FamilyTrackers. All publications at FamilyTrackers are included in one master index so that genealogists only need to enter a search; then the system returns a list of specific publications and resources that can help. Searches include criteria for surname, exact location, and time frame so that results are accurate saving searchers hours of time versus other types of searches. Existing FamilyTrackers members have already been notified of matches to their previous searches. According to Hall, "If you enter a search and don't get a hit, that just means that the surname is outside the geographic area or time frame that you have defined; you should consider adding alternate spellings that are suggested by our system or expanding the geographic area searched. It may also mean that the surname has not been indexed yet; FamilyTrackers will notify you as soon as a valid match is made for your search." FamilyTrackers is a world-wide genealogy exchange located at . . .
The company offers services to genealogists, genealogical & historical societies, professional genealogists, and transcribers & indexers. Membership and searches are free at FamilyTrackers. Individual items are priced by the publisher - usually less than the cost of copies and postage. The company also sells subscriptions to its online family tree application to members who opt to track their findings in that way.
Janos Kocs is a professional genealogist who provides local lookups, family tracing, photography, document scanning, translation and local guide services to genealogists interested in Romania, Transylvania, and parts of Hungary. He specializes in Romanian archive research in Covasna, Brasov, Mures and Sibiu counties which includes Catholic, Reformed, Unitarian, and Jewish communities. Janos is fluent in Hungarian, Romanian, and English and can be contacted at
Additional Resources: Take a look at RadixLog, the blog with news for Hungarian family history located at
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