Bucovina, Romania Marriages 1892 - 1901 Published
According to Gene Hall, CEO of FamilyTrackers, "This transcription includes the information from microfilm 176 7911 held by the LDS library. However, our version indexes the bride, groom, and their parents so that information can be easily found. This publication and every other publication - present and future - can be searched for free. If you find a relative on the transcription, you can purchase the entire volume and get immediate delivery from FamilyTrackers."
All publications at FamilyTrackers are included in one master index so that genealogists only need to enter and save a search; then the system returns a list of publications and resources that can help. Even publications entered in the future are matched against existing searches and genealogists are notified when new information matches one of their searches.
Over 150 family names are in this volume including: Altmann, Anger, Baer, Bar, Baumgartner, Beer, Beutel, Bocrner, Bohlenback, Bojczuk, Bores, Brand, Brunyasz, Buracrkowska, Cieslicka, Czech, Czerny, Czyzenzuk, Deitrich, Dietrich, Ditrich, Dittrich, Dobrzansk, Dohnsksy, Doroszewska, Dubena, Duczek, Duczek , Duezek, Eipart, Eipert, Exner, Feilscher, Feitscher, Flegel, Fuchs, Gawronski, Geimer, Gelbowicz, Gelowicz, Govzinskaw, Haberle, Heinrich, Herbert, Hermann, Hicke, Hidas, Hirschmuller, Hirshmuller, Holicka, Holicki, Holitzky, Holynska, Holzel, Hominka, Hornung, Hubeny, Huber, Hubert, Hulesip, Johann, Karwaeka, Keplsch, Kilinkiewech, Kisslinger, Klein, Klepsch, Knosmez, Koch, Kopaeka, Kopecka, Kopecki, Kopeika, Kopeka, Kostanink, Koszycka, Kramer, Kremmer, Krnfrienviny, Krupi, Kuczutaba, Kumer, Kusmerz, Kwialkowska, Kwiczela, Kwilinkiewicz, Lang, Leigner, Lenhard, Leugner, Lipinska, Lipinski, Littern, Lonski, Ludwar, Lybezuk, Main, Manzel, Masirer, Mayer, Medecka, Mieozczan, Miesxtzan, Miller, Mirnzoz, Morhard, Morhardt, Morhart, Nestman, Nestmann, Neuman, Neumann, Nowak, Olexsick, Ottenbreich, Ottenbreit, Ottenbriet, Paidl, Paraslui, Plichtiak, Posniak, Poziak, Pozniak, Prokopowicz, Protrowska, Puctmer, Rach, Radoszeivska, Radoszewska, Radyszenski, Reif, Reusel, Riefs, Riefs , Rieger, Rnbisch, Roemer, Rubish, Ruhr, Runner, Runzel, Sapara, Scheidel, Scheitel, Schindler, Schlewitz, Schneider, Schonthaler, Schwab, Seida, Sklarska, Steppan, Stipeniuk, Strobel, Szczesny, Thian, Thiele, Tieles, Tobiaszek, Trapp, Tress, Trostel, Wackeno, Wagner, Walcrejk, Walcryk, Wastradowska, Wastrodowska, Wastrowdowski, Watrodowska, Weckend, Weleta, Welker, Wilhelmina, Wockent, Zabierzcwska, Zacharias, Zeida, Zeyda, Zimmer
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