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FamilyTrackers Publications

10 November 2005

Tombstone Photos from Old Jewish Cemetery in Sfantu Gheorghe, Covasna, Romania (Hungarian name for this city is Sepsiszentgyorgy)

Janos Kocs of Sfantu has published a series of photographs of tombstones located in an old Jewish cemetery in Sfantu Gheorghe, Covasna, Romania. The Hungarian name for Sfantu Gheorghe is Sepsiszentgyorgy. The photos come from his personal collection of genealogy materials from that area.

Kocs says that, "These photos are an important addition to our publications at FamilyTrackers and will give relatives a chance to see a contemporary view of the place where their ancestors are buried. "

"We are happy that Janos chose FamilyTrackers as the place to publish this set of photos as well as the large collection of materials that will be published over the next few weeks and months. This publication and every other publication - present and future - can be searched for free." according to Gene Hall, CEO of FamilyTrackers.

All publications at FamilyTrackers are included in one master index so that genealogists only need to enter and save a search; then the system returns a list of publications and resources that can help. Even publications entered in the future are matched against existing searches and genealogists are notified when new information matches one of their searches.

FamilyTrackers is a world-wide genealogy exchange located at http://www.familytrackers.com.ro/. The company offers services to genealogists, genealogical & historical societies, professional genealogists, and transcribers & indexers. Janos Kocs is a professional genealogist who provides services to genealogists interested in Romania, Transylvania, and parts of Hungary. Janos can be contacted at kocs@rdsbv.ro.